Ceramic, iron 
Pinta-se sobre o lenço nortenho português usado por muitas em marchas com carácter festivo religioso. Fruta daqui um convite a contextualizar o lenço aqui curvado, suportado por uma estrutura em ferro torcido.
In the traditional northern Portuguese shawls are usually drawings of flowers and decorative leaves, these are worn when there is an event related to religion since the cultural events in a rural area are still moved by the catholic church. In these pieces, the drawings are replaced with images of the devil, and sentences questioning the act of caring. This bust is leaning forward, bowing, and thus obligating the eye not to see the face of the figure first, but to see the top of the head. The ceramic is held on a metal structure, worked in my father's metal workshop, a place where I needed to earn respect to work.

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